1. Annual Leave 特休
⇨5 days of annual leave 五天的特休。
例句:My coworker took annual leave for a family event.
2. On vacation 度假
⇨My colleague is on vacation. 我的同事在度假。
例句:Our project deadline is next week, but my colleague is on vacation.
3. On leave 休假【正式】。表示任何形式的休假,病假、年假、事假、產假、特休都適用
⇨My coworker is on leave. 我的同事在休假。
例句:I’m handling the report since my coworker is on leave this week.
4. Taking a day off 請一天假
⇨My colleague is taking a day off. 我的同事請了一天假。
例句:Could you follow up on this task? My colleague is taking a day off today because she’s sick.
5. Away on vacation 在外度假。更加強調同事不在辦公室,正在某個地方度假,這個說法適用於長期不在時使用。
⇨My coworker is away on vacation. 我的同事在外度假。
例句:The client has some questions, but my coworker is away on vacation until next Wednesday.
6. Off 不在。這個說法較口語,適合用在日常對話或比較不拘謹的職場環境
⇨My colleague is off today. 我的同事今天休假。
例句:You’ll have to wait until tomorrow for his approval because my colleague is off today.
7. Sick day病假
⇨My colleague taking a sick day. 我的同事請病假。
例句:Linda has used up all her sick days this year.
8. Personal day/leave 事假。Personal day 較短的事假,Personal leave 較長的事假
⇨My colleague took personal day. 我的同事請事假。
例句:Jim took personal leave to handle some family matters.
• My colleague took annual leave. (我的同事請特休。)
• My colleague is on vacation. (我的同事在度假。)
• My colleague is on leave. (我的同事在休假。)⇦⭐️最實用,絕不出錯!
• My colleague is taking a day off. (我的同事請了一天假。)
• My colleague is away on vacation. (我的同事在外度假。)
• My colleague is off today. (我的同事今天休假。)
• My colleague taking a sick day. (我同事請了一天病假。)
• My colleague took personal day. (我的同事請事假。)
告知他人同事因不在辦公室時,最簡單的說法是「He's off.」,較正式的說法是「He is on leave!」,這兩種適用於任何情況的表達,希望這篇文章對你有幫助!