





iOS是由蘋果公司開發的作業系統。最初是設計給iPhone使用,後來陸續套用到iPod touch、iPad以及Apple TV產品上。就像其基於的Mac OS X作業系統一樣,它也是以Darwin為基礎的。原本這個系統名為「iPhone OS」,直到2010年6月7日WWDC大會上宣布改名為「iOS」。iOS的系統架構分為四個層次:核心作業系統層(the Core OS layer),核心服務層(the Core Services layer),媒體層(the Media layer),可輕觸層(the Cocoa Touch layer)。系統操作佔用大概1GiB的記憶體空間。 iOS的使用者界面的概念基礎上是能夠使用多點觸控直接操作。控制方法包括滑動、輕觸開關及按鍵。與系統互動包括滑動(Swiping)、輕按(Tapping)、擠壓(Pinching,通常用於縮小)及反向擠壓(Reverse Pinching or unpinching,通常用於放大)。此外透過其內建的加速器,可以令其旋轉裝置改變其y軸以令螢幕改變方向,這樣的設計令iPhone更便於使用。ios的標誌歸思科所有(這個在蘋果設備裡面都有說明)。
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12/03 05:43

Best Software Development Company
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses need to stay agile, innovative, and customer-focused. Whether you’re a startup looking to launch an app or an established company seeking to enhance your digital presence, the right software partner can make all the difference. That’s where CODEPUL comes in. As a leading provider of software services, CODEPUL offers a wide range of solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses across industries. With expertise in https://codepul.com/android-app-development/ Android app development, iOS app development, custom website development, software development, and UI/UX design, CODEPUL is your go-to partner for all things digital.
1. Android App Development: Capturing the Largest User Base
With over 2.5 billion active Android devices worldwide, Android app development is a crucial service for businesses aiming to reach a broad audience. At CODEPUL, we understand the intricacies of the Android ecosystem and develop apps that are not only functional but also optimized for performance across various devices and screen sizes.
Our team of experienced Android developers uses the latest tools and frameworks, including Kotlin and Java, to create scalable and secure mobile applications. Whether you’re in e-commerce, healthcare, education, or entertainment, we tailor our Android solutions to meet the unique needs of your business. We ensure seamless integration with backend systems, intuitive user interfaces, and strong security features to protect user data.
In a world where mobile users demand fast, reliable, and engaging apps, CODEPUL delivers Android apps that meet and exceed these expectations.
2. iOS App Development: Quality Meets Performance
While Android dominates the global market, iOS app development is equally essential, particularly if your target audience includes premium users. Apple’s iOS platform is known for its high standards of quality, security, and user experience. At CODEPUL, we specialize in building iOS apps that align with Apple’s guidelines while also incorporating your business’s unique needs.
Using cutting-edge technologies such as Swift and Objective-C, our team creates iOS applications that are both user-friendly and high-performing. From idea conception to app store deployment, we handle every aspect of the development process, ensuring that your app is optimized for the latest versions of iOS and runs smoothly on all Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches.
Whether you’re looking to build a consumer app, a business tool, or a gaming platform, our iOS app development services will help you connect with a loyal and affluent user base.
3. Custom Website Development: Building Your Online Identity
In an era where first impressions are often made online, having a strong digital presence is non-negotiable. Custom website development is one of CODEPUL’s core services, aimed at helping businesses create an online identity that resonates with their brand values and engages their target audience.
Our web development process begins with understanding your business goals, target audience, and specific requirements. Whether you need an e-commerce platform, a portfolio website, or a corporate site, we design and develop websites that are responsive, SEO-friendly, and optimized for performance. Our developers are proficient in various web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, and PHP, allowing us to build tailored solutions that cater to your specific needs.
At CODEPUL, we don’t just build websites; we craft digital experiences that drive conversions and foster customer loyalty.
4. Software Development: Tailored Solutions for Complex Challenges
No two businesses are the same, and off-the-shelf software solutions often fail to meet the unique requirements of individual companies. That’s why software development is one of CODEPUL’s flagship services. We develop custom software tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities of your business.
Our software development team excels in creating solutions that range from enterprise software and SaaS platforms to custom integrations and workflow automation tools. We follow a structured development process, starting from requirement gathering and system design to development, testing, and deployment. Using agile methodologies, we ensure that our software development services are flexible, efficient, and scalable to meet the evolving needs of your business.
Whether you’re looking to automate internal processes, manage customer relationships, or analyze big data, CODEPUL’s software development services are designed to drive efficiency and innovation.
5. UI/UX Design: Crafting Seamless User Experiences
In today’s competitive market, user experience (UX) can make or break a product. An app or website may have all the right features, but if the user interface (UI) is confusing or the experience is clunky, users will look elsewhere.
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11/11 23:00

iOS 18.2 Beta 2 更新懶人包:十大重點功能,相機操作、Apple Intelligence 全面提升體驗
蘋果近期推出的 iOS 18.2 Beta 2,針對系統性能進行了一系列優化,特別是在相機操作、Apple Intelligence 功能以及多項便捷設置上都有明顯提升。這次更新不僅讓 iPhone 使用者感受到更流暢的體驗,還解決了許多用戶關心的問題。以下帶你快速了解這次更新的 10 大亮點功能!
1. 系統效能優化:解決耗電與過熱問題
本次更新著重於改進耗電量和溫控管理,尤其針對長時間使用 iPhone 會過熱的問題進行調整,確保系統穩定性並延長電池續航力。
2. 熱點分享再進化:支援 Mac 鏡像輸出
升級至 iOS 18.2 後,用戶在使用 iPhone 熱點連接 Mac 時,仍可保持鏡像輸出功能,無需 Wi-Fi 也能持續進行螢幕鏡像,提升無線工作效率。
3. 健身 App 捷徑功能更新
4. 個性化相機快捷鍵:雙擊速度設定
iOS 18.2 加入了相機按鍵雙擊速度調整選項,讓用戶能依據個人偏好進行設置,進一步提升相機操作的靈活度。
5. 快速篩選郵件:只顯示「主要」分類未讀信件
郵件 App 中新增了篩選選項,用戶可以快速查看「主要」分類中的未讀郵件,有效提升處理重要郵件的效率,避免被各類郵件淹沒。
6. 深色模式優化:設定圖示隨模式變化
iOS 18.2 Beta 2 為提升用戶體驗,優化了「設定」介面的圖示顯示效果,當切換深色模式時,圖示顏色會同步調整,視覺體驗更統一。
7. ChatGPT 功能深度整合:每日免費額度提示
在 iOS 18.2 Beta 2 中,蘋果進一步整合 ChatGPT,系統可顯示用戶每日的免費進階功能額度,如資料分析、視覺生成等。如果超過免費額度,將自動切換回基礎版;訂閱 ChatGPT Plus 的用戶則無此限制,月費約 640 元台幣。
8. 「尋找」App 新功能:位置共享連結
「尋找」App 推出共享遺失物位置的新功能,用戶可生成連結,分享給他人協助尋找物品,並可隨時關閉連結,進一步確保個人隱私不會外洩。
9. Apple Intelligence 功能擴展:Image Wand 與 Image Playground
蘋果進一步擴展 Apple Intelligence,現在用戶可在備忘錄中使用 Image Wand 功能,將文字轉化為圖片,並支援動畫、插圖與草圖風格。Image Playground 的使用權限也擴大開放,升級 iOS 18.2 Beta 2 後即可體驗。
10. 相機控制升級:輕觸鎖定對焦和曝光
最後,iPhone 16 系列相機功能迎來更新,用戶只需輕觸按鍵即可鎖定對焦(AF)和曝光(AE),更接近單眼相機的操作方式。這讓拍攝照片時更為快速、精準。
▍正式版即將上線,開發者 API 同步釋出 ▍
除了以上亮點,蘋果也修復了「尋找」App 的精確定位與音效播放問題,並釋出全新 API,開發者可利用該 API 讓 Siri 跨 App 操作,進一步提升整合體驗。根據業界消息,iOS 18.2 正式版預計於 12 月初推出,敬請期待。
iOS 18.2 Beta 2 的發布,顯示出蘋果在持續優化使用者體驗的努力。不論是相機功能的升級還是 AI 的整合,都讓日常使用更順暢。熱衷於嘗試新功能的用戶不妨立即升級體驗,享受更直覺的操作感受!
➤ 歡迎在104學習精靈關注【AI趨勢報-科技愛好者的產地】獲得更多科技新知!
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12/08 00:00

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12/12 13:49

Google發表:Gemini 2.0 全新AI模組介紹、四大亮點一次看
在ChatGPT傳出全球大當機災情的同一天,Google 發布了全新 AI 模型 Gemini 2.0。
不僅支援多模態物件,Gemini 2.0採用更精準、強大的代理式AI系統,幫助使用者主動提前思考並完善指令,打造更符合使用者需求的全方位AI人工智慧助理!
▍Gemini 2.0 亮點搶先看
※ 深度學習有效處理複雜問題:採用「深度研究」學習技術功能,大量運用高級推理和長上下文功能充當研究助理,探索複雜的主題並代表使用者編寫報告。
※ 多模態能力生成準確內容: 除了文字生成外,Gemini 2.0 還能直接生成圖片和音訊,並且能有效處理口音問題轉化成更準確的訊息內容。
※ 實現代理式 AI 的多元運用: 不只是AI助理,Gemini 2.0升級的代理式AI系統,能更主動的做出決策,為使用者提前思考,並在使用者的監督下執行任務。Gemini 2.0將以此為基石,使用在Project Astra助理工具與其他開發者工具中。
※ 活化並整合 Google 產品: Gemini 2.0 將逐步整合到 Google 的搜尋、地圖等產品中,為使用者帶來更智能、更個人化的體驗。
Gemini 2.0預計2025年1月正式推出,在此之前,使用者們可以透過Google AI Studio網站搶先體驗Gemini 2.0測試版的與眾不同。
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