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10/13 22:00

【職場英文】「你覺得呢?」英文要怎麼說?「How do you think?」聽起來很奇怪?詢問他人意見用這八個句型!

「How do you think?」這句話乍聽之下好像是能理解,但聽在外國人耳朵裡卻怪怪的,原因是這句話不自然(缺少主題)和語法結構不正確,日常英語不太常見,可以改成「How do you think we should improve our sales strategy?(你認為我們應該如何改進銷售策略?)」,更常見的表達是「What do you think about…?」或「How do you feel about…?」,這篇文章帶你認識八個常用的詢問他人意見句型!
▍What do you think about...? 你對……有什麼看法?
例句:What do you think about implementing a new marketing strategy next quarter?
▍Do you agree with this approach? 你們同意這個做法嗎?
例句:Do you agree with this approach to streamline our onboarding process?
▍How do you feel about...? 你覺得……怎麼樣?
⇨這個句型比「What do you think」更注重情感和態度,適合討論較為主觀的議題時使用。
例句:How do you feel about implementing remote work policies?
▍Can you share your thoughts on this? 你能分享一下你的看法嗎?
例句:Can you share your thoughts on this budget proposal before we move forward?
▍Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this? 你有沒有任何建議,能讓我們改進這個?
例句:Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the team’s productivity?
▍What’s your take on...? 你對……的看法是什麼?
例句:What’s your take on the new product design?
▍Would you mind sharing your perspective on this issue? 你介意分享一下你對這個問題的看法嗎?
例句:Would you mind sharing your perspective on this issue with the client?
▍How would you approach this situation? 你會怎麼處理這種情況?
例句:How would you approach this situation with the delayed shipment?
1. 【⭐️常用】What do you think about...? 你對……有什麼看法?
2. Do you agree with this approach? 你同意這個做法嗎?
3. How do you feel about...? 你覺得……怎麼樣?
4. 【⭐️常用】Can you share your thoughts on this? 你能分享一下你的看法嗎?
5. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this? 你有沒有任何建議,能讓我們改進這個?
6. What’s your take on...? 你對……的看法是什麼?
7. Would you mind sharing your perspective on this issue? 你介意分享一下你對這個問題的看法嗎?
8. How would you approach this situation? 你會怎麼處理這種情況?
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