分詞構句(Participial Phrase)在英文裡是個很常使用的句型,因為它能使表達更加簡潔,也經常出現在口語對話中。分詞構句主要是通過省略子句(副詞子句或形容詞子句)的主詞和連接詞(註:主詞一致才能省略),將其簡化成分詞形式,通常由現在分詞(V-ing)或過去分詞(V-ed)的形式構成,可以替代較長的子句,增添句子的流暢感,這篇文章將詳細介紹現在分詞和過去分詞的差別,一起看下去吧!
1. 現在分詞構句(使用 V-ing)
原句:Since he knew the deadline was approaching, he worked overtime to finish the report.
⇨分詞構句:Knowing the deadline was approaching, he worked overtime to finish the report.
原句:After she received the client’s email, she immediately scheduled a meeting.
⇨分詞構句:Receiving the client’s email, she immediately scheduled a meeting.
2. 過去分詞構句(使用 V-ed)
原句:Because the document had been approved by the manager, it was sent to the client.
⇨分詞構句:Approved by the manager, the document was sent to the client.
原句:After the presentation had been completed, the team discussed the next steps.
⇨分詞構句:Completed, the presentation allowed the team to discuss the next steps.
原句: After he finished his work, he went out.
⇨分詞構句: Finishing his work, he went out.
原句:While I was driving, the car broke down.
⇨錯誤的分詞構句:Driving, the car broke down.