國內實體課程 (12 credits):
1.IC 95501 Second Language Acquisition - 第二語言習得
2.IC 95502 Cross Culture Communication - 跨文化傳播溝通
3.IC 95503 Educational Psychology - 教育心理學
4.IC 95504 Linguistics for the Language Professionals - 語言學
美國校本部課程 (24 credits):
5.Eng 63001 Methodology of TESL
6.Eng 63034 Literate Practices & Sociolinguistics
7.Eng 63037 Teaching Conversation Strategies
(Second Language Writing)
8.Eng 63098 Research in Second Language Pedagogy
9.Eng 63035 Computers for Second Language Teaching
10.Eng 63039 Second Language Curriculum and Testing
11.Eng 63041 Descriptive Grammar of English
12.Eng 68492 Practicum: Teaching English as a Second Language