
Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking




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Growth Hacking 學習推薦


Program Manager

07/10 12:30

酷澎的增長策略可在海外複製嗎? Coupang's Big Bet on Taiwan
酷澎積極進軍台灣市場。透過類似亞馬遜和好市多的策略,包括大規模購買商品、生產自有品牌、降低商品售價等,嘗試翻轉台灣本土電商市場。各位消費者們,你們喜歡實體購物還是網路購物呢? 台灣的網路購物體驗,最喜歡哪一家的服務?
Coupang plans to use Taiwan as a starting point to replicate its same-day delivery success in South Korea and expand this strategy to Southeast Asia.
Coupang, a South Korean e-commerce company, said it will accelerate its investments in Taiwan after posting four consecutive quarter profits. The company was the most downloaded app in Taiwan in the second quarter of this year.
"Taiwan is another investment that far exceeds our expectations," Coupang CEO Bom Kim said in a conference call. "We always believed that the transformative retail experience we enabled in Korea could delight customers worldwide. We see how this plays out in Taiwan."
Coupang's next-day delivery service, Rocket Delivery, has grown faster in Taiwan in the 10 months since its launch than Rocket Delivery in Korea in the first 10 months. The company has allocated around $400 million for investment in Taiwan this year.
The move comes months after Coupang suspended operations in Japan in March and denied rumors that it was planning to launch in India in May.
Coupang investment for growths
To provide rapid delivery services to Southeast Asian countries, it is understood that Coupang (NYSE:CPNG) has established a logistics center in the northern part of Taiwan.
In addition to its rocket delivery service within Taiwan, Coupang has also launched a cross-border online shopping service, allowing Taiwanese consumers to purchase goods from South Korea directly.
Seeking to replicate the success of the Korean market in Southeast Asia
Coupang's founder, Kim Bom-seok (English name Bom Kim), is working hard to expand its business in the United States and Southeast Asian countries, mainly replicating its success in South Korea. This includes its iconic same-day rocket delivery service.
Coupang's Growth Strategy in Taiwan
CEO Kim Ban-seok has announced that this year, he will invest 400 million US dollars (approximately 12.7 billion New Taiwan dollars) in mid-term projects (Developing Offerings), with the Taiwanese market being the primary focus of the investment.
What is the portion of Coupang's $400 million investment to Taiwan? This question can be answered by comparing the capital expenditures of Fubon Media (Momo Shopping) and PChome Online.
In 2022, The leading e-commerce platform Momo's holding company Fubon Media's capital expenditure was $210 million in 2023, mainly for constructing logistics centers, delivery fleets, and other infrastructure.
Meanwhile, The second largest e-commerce platform, PChome's A7 logistics center, which began trial operations earlier this year, is expected to have a total investment of $68 million.
Coupang has yet to disclose how this $400 million dollars will be allocated. Still, if one-third of it is allocated to the Taiwanese market's development, it already exceeds Momo's capital expenditure in 2022.
The Taiwanese market is becoming increasingly important for Coupang, indicating that this ECommerce giant is vying for the business behind two major e-commerce platforms, Momo Shopping and PChome 24h, prioritizing rapid delivery. Coupang, often called the Korean version of Amazon, had to pivot quickly when it faced challenges delivering fresh produce within 10 minutes.
Founded in South Korea in 2010, Coupang invested heavily in building warehousing and logistics equipment and its fleet of delivery vehicles.
Today, it has over 100 logistics centers in over 30 cities across South Korea, covering over 47 million square meters. In South Korea, which is approximately 2.76 times the size of Taiwan, Coupang's same-day delivery rate reaches 99%. This is the widely recognized "Rocket Delivery" service that Coupang is known for.
In 2021, Coupang debuted, initially touting its "10-minute fast delivery" as its most significant selling point, and began operating in the fresh food e-commerce market. Fresh food e-commerce was booming during the pandemic, with delivery platforms and physical supermarkets all making significant inroads. Coupang's 10-minute delivery promise was the fastest in the fresh food e-commerce industry at the time. This move shows Coupang's ambition to continue its "fast" feature in South Korea.
2. Coupang's Big Bet on Taiwan: What Are the Key Drivers of Growth?
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Hanson Huang



成長駭客 VP 無法決定產品的靈魂
如果完全根據資料作決策,那公司是不需要決策者了。資料可以幫助優化產品的成長,但不能變成產品的靈魂! 資料科學家Sebastian Wernicke這場" 如何應用數據做棒的電視節目" TED 演講很精采,Amazon 和 Netflix 都運用大量的資料分析出觀眾最喜歡的節目種類是什麼,Amazon 完全根據資料決定製作什麼節目,而 Netflix 在分析資料後,依靠團隊腦力激盪、直覺和冒險決定製作什麼節目,結果 Netflix 製作出卓越的「紙牌屋」,但 Amazon 做出的節目表現普普。
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12/12 13:49

Google發表:Gemini 2.0 全新AI模組介紹、四大亮點一次看
在ChatGPT傳出全球大當機災情的同一天,Google 發布了全新 AI 模型 Gemini 2.0。
不僅支援多模態物件,Gemini 2.0採用更精準、強大的代理式AI系統,幫助使用者主動提前思考並完善指令,打造更符合使用者需求的全方位AI人工智慧助理!
▍Gemini 2.0 亮點搶先看
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Gemini 2.0預計2025年1月正式推出,在此之前,使用者們可以透過Google AI Studio網站搶先體驗Gemini 2.0測試版的與眾不同。
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