영어 필사 100일의 기적
作者: 莉亞
原文作者: Leah Jean Kim
譯者: 樓艾苓
出版社: #如何
PART 1 Courage勇氣
DAY 1 You are brave.你很勇敢
DAY 2 Let’s reframe fear.重新定義恐懼
DAY3 Do what scares you.做令你害怕的事
DAY 4 You are a precious human.你很珍貴
DAY 5 Don’t blame the good guys.別責怪你的優點
DAY 6 Say this as today’s affirmations.今天請這樣宣誓
DAY 7 Find your passion.找尋你的熱情
DAY 8 Be committed.請堅持到底
DAY 9 Expect to make mistakes. #預想可能的錯誤
DAY10 Get inspired.吸取靈感
DAY 11 How to not get criticized.如何不受批評
DAY 12 You are worthy.你很有價值
PART 2 Love愛
DAY 13 Stop bullying yourself.停止折磨自己
DAY 14 Write a letter to your past self. #寫封信給過去的自己
DAY 15 Send love to your body. #愛自己的身體
DAY 16 Love yourself unconditionally.無條件愛自己
DAY 17 Take every day as an opportunity.每天都是機會
DAY 18 It takes practice. #練習很重要
DAY 19 Drop expectations. #請放下期待
DAY 20 You are loved.你備受疼愛
DAY 21 Don’t play the blame game.別互相指責
PART 3 Happiness #幸福
DAY 22 Give yourself what you deserve. #給自己應得的享受
DAY23 Change the way you talk.改變說話方式
DAY 24 Choose your stories. #選擇你的故事
DAY 25 Being positive is powerful.正面思考會帶來力量
DAY 26 Don’t let it ruin your joy.別破壞你的快樂
DAY 27 Nourish yourself. #滋養自己
DAY 28 Take full ownership.請掌握主導權
DAY 29 Set up for success. #為成功做好準備
DAY 30 Have fun in the way.享受過程
DAY 31 Don’t make it a problem.別當回事
PART 4 Intention意向
DAY 32 Set an intention.立定意向
DAY 33 If today was my last day… #若今天是最後一天……
DAY 34 We have limited time. #我們的時間有限
DAY 35 Choose who you want to be. #選擇你想成為的人
DAY 36 Life isn’t a fairy tale. #人生不是童話
DAY 37 Don’t be confused.無須困惑
DAY 38 Be selfish.自私一點
DAY39 Slow down.放慢速度
PART 5 Youness自我
DAY 40 You are the sum of everything beautiful.你是一切美好的總和
DAY 41 Be unapologetically you.理直氣壯做自己
DAY 42 Refuse to fit in.拒絕配合
DAY 43 Own your beauty.承認自己的美麗
DAY 44 Shine brighter. #盡情發光吧
DAY 45 Be fair.保持公平
DAY 46 Love your flaws.愛你的缺點
DAY 47 Practice self-image. #練習自我形象
DAY 48 Focus on your strengths.專注於自己的長處
DAY 49 Be ho