
專案管理、業績目標分配與績效達成、TOEIC (多益測驗)、產品企劃、英文、雅思、職場英語、客戶經營、成人英文、提案與簡報技巧



10/11 08:30


• As of today, we have completed X% of the project.
例子:As of today, we have completed 70% of the project.
• The project is on track, and we expect to meet the deadline by [date].
例子:The project is on track, and we expect to meet the deadline by October 30th.
• Currently, we are in the [phase] of the project, focusing on [specific task].
例子:Currently, we are in the testing phase of the project, focusing on quality assurance.
當項目面臨挑戰時,向上級報告需要清晰描述問題,還要強調已經採取的應對措施,展現積極處理問題的上進心!「encounter」常常用來描述遭遇某項困境,也可以直接用「Due to」加上遇到的困難!
• We’ve encountered a challenge regarding [issue], but we are working on [solution].
例子:We’ve encountered a challenge regarding the supply chain delay, but we are working on expediting the delivery from our secondary supplier.
• Due to [challenge], we are slightly behind schedule, but we have implemented [action] to get back on track.
例子:Due to unforeseen technical issues, we are slightly behind schedule, but we have implemented additional testing to get back on track.
除了報告當前進度,向上級展示接下來的工作計畫和目標,能讓他們對專案的未來進展有清晰的預期。「Our next step」和「We aim to」兩個開頭都能承接新的計劃和願景,能讓主管和客戶清楚了解接下來的目標在哪裡,是很實用的句型!
• Our next step is to [next task], which we plan to complete by [date].
例子:Our next step is to finalize the design, which we plan to complete by November 10th.
• We aim to achieve [specific milestone] by [date], which will allow us to [benefit/result].
例子:We aim to achieve the product launch by the end of Q4, which will allow us to capitalize on the holiday sales season.
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