CVC (企業創投)的矛與盾





Don't Prove; Improve 不要證明,只要進步

春節長假的最後一天,幫明天的工作定錨- Don't prove, Improve!
德威特‧瓊斯(Dewitt Jones)是一位著名的世界級攝影師, 他分享他在國家地理雜誌報到的時候,他老闆對他的要求--Don't prove yourself, Improve yourself!
他老闆說, "國家世界地理雜誌有全世界最好的攝影師,你不需要證明你自己,但你非得每天進步不可,我希望你每天都比昨天更好, 如果你有學到更好的東西就跟別人分享,讓大家更快變好."
“Look, if you work here, you’re part of a team of photographers that are the best in the world. I believe that, and you’d better believe it, too. You don’t have to prove yourself, not to me, or to the other photographers. What I do demand that you do is improve yourself. Every day, strive to be a better photographer, a better visual storyteller. And everything you learn, share it openly with the other photographers here at the NGS. Improve and share; if you do that, you’ll do fine. If not, you won’t work here long.”
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