



04/29 12:04


The article discusses three typical scenarios in job-offer negotiations and offers 15 guidelines to help readers successfully navigate these situations.
Guidelines cover aspects such as managing interpersonal relationships, clearly articulating needs, understanding the other party's position, considering the whole deal, etc.
1. Don’t underestimate the importance of likability. 不要低估討人喜歡的重要性。
2. Help them understand why you deserve what you’re requesting. 幫助對方理解你為什麼應該得到你要求的事物。
3. Make it clear they can get you. 讓對方清楚地知道他們可以聘請到你。
4. Understand the person across the table. 了解對方的立場。
5. Understand their constraints. 理解對方的限制。
6. Be prepared for tough questions. 為困難問題做好準備。
7. Focus on the questioner’s intent, not on the question. 專注於提問者的意圖,而不是問題本身。
8. Consider the whole deal. 考慮整個協議。
9. Negotiate multiple issues simultaneously, not serially. 同時談判多個問題,而不是依序逐一談判。
10. Don’t negotiate just to negotiate. 不要只為了談判而談判。
11. Think through the timing of offers. 考慮好不同工作機會的時機。
12. Be honest and transparent. 誠實和透明。
13. Stay calm and composed. 保持冷靜和沉著。
14. Be prepared to walk away. 做好準備敢於離開。
15. Practice, practice, practice. 多加練習。
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