2025 APICS CLTD V3.0 國際物流運籌管理師證照大改版最新消息及變更重點
2025 APICS CLTD V3.0 大改版最新消息及變更重點!
今天收到 ASCM 贈送的最新 2025 CLTD V3.0 全套書籍,心情無比激動!這套書對我來說意義非凡,因為去年我有幸受邀加入 CLTD V3.0 大改版的編輯與校稿專家團隊,與全球最資深的 APICS 講師們共同合作完成這項專案。
這次 APICS CLTD(物流運籌管理師認證)3.0 版本進行了多項重大更新,
與 V2.0 相比,CLTD V3.0 在內容上有多項升級。
- **Smart Logistics 智慧物流**:涵蓋 AI 和區塊鏈等技術應用。
- **Sustainability 永續發展**:強調 ESG 實踐與綠色供應鏈管理。
- **Global Supply Chain Management 全球供應鏈管理**:聚焦國際貿易與風險管理。
- **E-Business 電子商務物流**:探討最後一哩交付與逆向物流挑戰。
- **Data Analysis 數據分析**:強調數據在物流決策中的應用。
APICS CLTD 是目前最受到重視及肯定的物流運籌國際專業證照
完整深入的介紹了運輸倉儲及物流配送系統規劃,不僅納入智能物流的最新知識,且結合了供應鏈戰略的全局思維。透過APICS 供應鏈國際專業證照,讓你的職業生涯脫胎換骨,成為搶手的頂尖專業人才。獲得CLTD專業證書,是物流中高階經理必備的專業資格,也是通向供應鏈物流中高階管理層的專業基石。
上課日期: 2025/5/12~2025/8/4
上課時段: 每週(一三) 晚上8:00~10:00
如果您對 CLTD V3.0 有興趣,歡迎至DTSCM 官方網站了解更多資訊!
APICS CLTD V3.0 Learning System Contents
Module 1: Logistics Fundamentals and Strategy
Section A: Recognize Logistics Fundamentals
Section B: Discern the Role, Value, and Cost of Logistics
Section C: Develop Logistics Strategy within the Supply Chain
Module 2: Demand Management and Supply (Capacity Management)
Section A: Forecast Demand
Section B: Understand Demand Management
Section C: Translate Demand into Logistics Capacity Planning
Section D: Support Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)
Section E: Support Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)
Section F: Understand Master Scheduling and Material Requirements Planning
Section G: Facilitate Sourcing and Procurement
Module 3: Customer and Order Management
Section A: Enable Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Section B: Enable Outbound and Inbound Order Management
Module 4: Warehouse Distribution/Fulfillment Center Management
Section A: Identify Warehouse Strategy, Ownership, and Roles
Section B: Formulate Warehouse Processes and Order Flow
Section C: Evaluate Warehouse Facility Layout Decisions and Manage Performance
Section D: Incorporate Packaging
Section E: Incorporate Materials Handling and Warehouse Automation
Module 5: Inventory Management
Section A: Understand Inventory Management Fundamentals
Section B: Develop Inventory Strategy and Policy and Implement Inventory Control
Module 6: Transportation Management
Section A: Understand Transportation Fundamentals
Section B: Identify Road Transportation Characteristics
Section C: Identify Rail Transportation Characteristics
Section D: Identify Air Transport Characteristics
Section E: Identify Water (Ocean & Inland Waterway) Transportation Characteristics
Section F: Identify Multimodal, Multi-Stop, & Characteristics of other modes
Section G: Implement Transportation Management
Section G: Conduct Transportation Administration
Module 7: Global Logistics
Section A: Characterize the International Environment and Global Infrastructure
Section B: Incorporate Regulations into Global Logistics Processes
Section C: Facilitate Export/Import, Customs Clearing, and Documentation
Section D: Understand Finance, Payment, Currency, and Tax Options/Implications
Module 8: Sustainability, Reverse Logistics and Risk Management
Section A: Enable Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Section B: Enable Outbound and Inbound Order Management
Section C: Translate Demand into Logistics Capacity Planning
Module 9: Logistics Framework, Metrics, Network Design, Transformation, & Improvement
Section A: Design the Logistics Framework
Section B: Coordinate Strategic Performance Management
Section C: Facilitate Facilities Planning & Network Design
Section D: Coordinate Digital Transformation & Continuous Improvement