
成人英文、在職進修、English Resume、英文、CV、英文自傳


Martech 行銷科技長及TAAA 台灣留澳校友會理事


英文自傳撰寫指南 Part 1

自傳相較於履歷是更能自由發揮展現自身優勢,台灣常見的英文自傳都是從家庭背景開始,像是 “My name is Michael. I am from a family which is composed of four members: my parents, my younger sister and I. My father is a businessman…” 看似沒有什麼太大的問題,但是千萬要注意,倘若你在這段文字中並沒有顯現出個人的特質,或是展現你與應徵職位的相關性,就只是浪費篇幅而已。
自傳的重點在於推銷自己,換言之,文字中每句話都要幫你加分才行,因此倘若家庭背景中沒有提供企業想知道的訊息,會更建議以學歷背景開頭的寫法 ~ 列出曾修習過「和應徵職務相關」的專業課程,展現自身所具備的
My name is David. I hold a bachelor's degree with a major in Economics which was awarded to me by Fu-Jen University in Taipei in 2000. Besides my major, I have also taken many courses related to computer science like Data Management, C-Language and Calculus, which have prepared me for software programming in the field of finance and investment.
Therefore, I was employed at the university's computer centre where I assisted the instructors in teaching students how to search websites on the internet, and how to send e-mail messages by using Outlook software. I also helped students design their web pages by familiarizing them with both PowerPoint and FrontPage software.
和職位直接相關的經歷,展現自身具備實務操作的能力以及強烈的興趣,因為參與活動的經驗,因而具備良好溝通協調的能力 ~
Moreover, I was not only active in the university but also a participant in the 1998 International Conference of Web Technology Development in Taiwan. The experience brought me into contact with professional societies and helped me improve my social skills when interacting and communicating with professional people. This experience also taught me how to work with people efficiently.
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