▍I'm not ugly, I'm just broke.
⇨ 「我不醜,我只是沒錢。」這句話常出現在自嘲的社交媒體帖子裡,意思是自己外貌欠佳是因為沒有資源或錢來打扮自己。
• 英文解釋:This phrase is commonly used in self-deprecating social media posts, implying that one's lack of good looks is due to a lack of resources or money to enhance their appearance.
• 例句: I'm not ugly, I just need a better haircut and some skincare products!
▍Potato face
⇨ 「馬鈴薯臉」這個說法常用來自嘲自己的臉部特徵不突出或「沒特色」,意思是臉看起來像一顆圓圓的馬鈴薯。
• 英文解釋:A term often used to humorously describe someone who thinks their facial features are plain or not distinctive, as if their face looks like a round potato.
• 例句:Feeling like a total potato today, no makeup and messy hair.
▍Ugly crying
⇨ 「醜哭」這個梗指的是在情緒崩潰時哭得很難看,通常帶有誇張和戲劇性,用來搞笑地自嘲自己在崩潰時的模樣。
• 英文解釋: This phrase refers to crying in a way that looks unattractive, often exaggerated and dramatic, used to humorously describe someone’s emotional breakdown.
• 例句:I was ugly crying while watching that movie last night.
▍Trash panda
⇨ 「垃圾熊貓」這是一種自嘲自己像垃圾堆裡的浣熊一樣邋遢、不修邊幅的說法,比「哥布林模式」更搞笑。
• 英文解釋: A humorous term referring to someone who feels messy or unkempt, comparing themselves to a raccoon digging through trash. It’s often used in a more lighthearted way than "goblin mode."
• 例句:I look like a total trash panda after pulling an all-nighter.