20種音質: 渾厚, 空靈, 沙啞怎麼說?
除了loud, low, strong, soft, weak外還有
清晰爽脆 clear
費玉清, 張信哲, 青峰的聲音
All of you sing beautifully, but I’ll choose Richard as my team member as he has the clearest voice of all.
柔美 smooth and sweet
鄧麗君, 王菲
The smooth and sweet voice of the nighttime host sent a spell over her broadcast audience.
The childlike voice of the supermodel complements her innocent charm. (娃娃音和天真可愛相得益彰)
如銀鈴般 silvery
黃鶑鶑.張惠妹, 徐佳瑩, 通常指輕、高的美妙音質,是天使或仙女會發出的聲音。
When she speaks, all of her customers were shocked. You just don’t expect to hear such a silvery voice coming from an open market meat vendor.
男音區 male vocal range
此為聲樂分類,bass 男低音, baritone 男中音, tenor 男高音, countertenor 假聲男高音
Bass and countertenors are rare. Baritones are natural--sounding and tenors are the most popular.
女音區 female vocal range
alto 女低音, mezzo-soprano 女中音, soprano 女高音
While true altos are rare, It’s equally true that when performing solo, alto singers may not enjoy the same level of popularity as their soprano counterparts.
低沈 / 聲若宏鐘 deep / booming
50-80大樂隊年代,有很多這類歌星,如Frank Sinatra, Engelbert Humperdinck, Andy Williams, 台灣的楊烈, 稱為crooner, 即低沈抒情男歌星, 現在人人都飆高音或搖滾,這種歌者幾乎沒有了, 即使有, 也被視為過時。
To have a booming voice is a pre-requisite for stage actors.
共鳴腔 / 腹活量大 resonance
A cappella (純人聲合唱) is an art form which weaves harmony and resonance into a captivating sound.
高揚有力 powerful
如趙傳、信、蘇芮的聲音, 聽來令人興奮。
you need a soaring and powerful voice to sing I Will Always Love You by Whitney Huston.
醇厚 rich and full-toned
林志炫, 楊宗緯, 凡歌王, 歌后都應有此音質。
空靈 high, light and soaring
如齊豫和周深的歌聲, 美國老牌民謠歌手Judy Collins最經典。
淺平 flat
The flat voice of the former president 陳水扁 is one of his trademarks.
低啞 husky
歌星阿杜,毛不易, 好好運用, 也可變成迷人聲音。
Born with a husky voice, Paul knows he can never be an opera singer, so he switches to rock.
沙啞 raspy / hoarse
相較於husky, 這個字指較不悅耳的沙啞聲音, 甚至到喉嚨發炎的程度。聽聽英國著名歌手Rod Steward的歌聲, 就知其義, 羅大佑也堪可比擬。
A throaty surgery left Bob with a distinctive hoarse voice.
煙嗓 / 音帶滄桑 /瘖啞 smoky
適合唱搖滾、爵士和佛朗門哥, 蕭敬騰唱搖滾時有此味道, 伍佰是經典, 聲音失去厚度和彈性。
a weathered face, a smoky sound, and wrapped in rags, this homeless man told me a story of lifelong frustrations and loss.
已去世的高凌風有此特色, 感冒時會有此鼻音。
“M” and “N” are two distinctive nasal consonants in English.
“r” is a throaty sound in French. It’s very hard for foreigners to pronounce correctly.
高音 sharp / high-pitched / piercing
這三個字中,sharp偏尖銳, high-pitched最中性,piercing就是魔音穿腦了。
I don’t understand it. Why do most kid TV programs are hosted by girls with a high-pitched voice?
Lisa is not angry at you. It’s just her natural, piercing voice.
單調呆板 / 無抑揚頓挫 monotone
The monotone of the chairman lulled me to sleep.
呢噥軟語 melodic, soft-spoken
人們說法文好聽, 可能和它沒有大口型的母音和子音中鼻音, 喉音較多有關, 在音調上, 往往會把尾音拖長, 好像在唱歌。法文音有時譯成英文很奇怪, 如genre(類型)已是英文常用字, 但英文唸出來會讓法國人笑掉大牙。