各種長相(22條目) 風情萬種, 閉月羞花, 高大魁梧之英文
除了pretty, beautiful , good-looking外還有
迷人 / 引人注目, 吸睛 attractive / arresting
如果beautiful, attractive 用煩了,可考慮 arresting,指特別吸引眼球。
Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful...But it was an arresting face.(此句在「亂世佳人」Gone with the Wind小說第一段,女主角不漂亮,但是臉孔十分引人注目, 也就是說,她不是那種一般的美麗臉孔,而是五官有其特色, 這樣的描繪又給美麗多了一個層次)
清秀佳人 fair-looking, 指淡色髪膚的人
亮麗 / 艷光照人 gorgeous / dazzling
She looks gorgeous with meticulous make-up, diamond earrings, a brand-name suit, a matching purse, and a pair of three-inch high heels.
風華絶代 / 閉月羞花, 沉魚落雁 Unworldly beauty / a face that launched a thousand ships
Unworldly一解為不識人間煙火,一解為超凡脫俗, 看似副詞,實為形容詞。a face that launched a thousand ship,指特洛伊城的美麗母后海倫,源自希腦神話. 其美貌使兩國男人交戰,16世紀名作家寫出此名句, 指傾國傾城之美, 適合在文學應用中。
Despite Paul's efforts to fend off numerous suitors and ultimately win the heart of an unworldly beauty, their marriage only lasted for two years.
辣妺 /尤物 hot girl / bombshell
性感撩人 / 風情萬種 sexy / sultry
sultry 比 sexy 更誘人,更具危險性, 以性感女神論,50年代的瑪麗蓮夢露可算sultry, 從眼角到聲音都在發射性感, 以後諸世代的性感女神都不及她。
The sultry voice of Marilyn Monroe was said to have spurred her affair with the former U.S. President John F. Kennedy when she wished the then-president “Happy Birthday” in Madison Square, New York, 1962.
秀色可餐 deliciously charming
不是故意用deliciously, 來配合中文「可餐」, 這個字確實可用, 如說一個人deliciously low, 是指粗俗的頗有味道。不過此詞適合用在熟朋友間或半開玩笑的情況,如第一次見到某美麗佳人,說出此句,就不知對方如何反應了。
小鮮肉 deliciously handsome young men
英俊瀟灑 handsome and elegant / imposing / slender / graceful
不管是英俊瀟灑, 高大魁梧, 玉樹臨風, 風度翩翩,前題都要handsome, 所以在handsome後再加一個漂亮的字即可表達。
At more than six feet tall, John Wayne was handsome and imposing (高大魁梧), so no wonder he had been cast as heroes throughout his movie career.
Handsome and graceful, John stands tall like a well-shaped straight tree. (如果一定要把玉樹臨風譯出來的話,可用此句,不建議用jade tree, wind, 因為以英文來說, 太難了解了。)
一表人才 / 型男 / 帥哥 a dashing man
Deadly attracted by dashing men, Amy has more than her fair share of heartbreaking romances.
長相普通/ 大眾臉 plain-looking
Almost all the heroines in romantic stories are beautiful with the notable exception of Jane Eyre (簡愛). She is aware of her plain looks, but set out to seek her true love with will and a beautiful mind.
膚色 / 膚質:fair (淡膚), dark (深膚), florid (紅潤), pale (蒼白) / clear and smooth (質淨膚滑), pimpled (長痘子), blotchy ( 臉上疙疙瘩瘩)
講到膚色,最好不要用white, black, red (在美國指印地安人), 如He has a black face, 而用fair-skinned, dark-skinned即可。那麼非淡非深的黃種人膚色呢?我幾乎沒聽過有人用yellow. 而且我也很少看過有人試圖表達黃種人膚色,其實說Asian就知什麼膚色。
A florid face is not necessarily a sign of good health. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it could be a sign of high blood pressure.
My son has been quite troubled by his pimpled face, and I have to repeatedly assure him that it’s just part of puberty (青春發育期), during which human bodies go through a lot of changes.
髮色:fair, dark, black, golden, brown, red/auburn, premature gray (少年白), salt- and- pepper (黑白夾雜),silver (銀白)
金髮女子稱為blonde, 棕髮女子稱為brunette, 依俗見,金髮女子可愛傻呼呼,深髮女子聰明, 大家看90年代著名電視影集Friends中三位女主角的髮色,就可了解此俗見。棕紅髮為red 或auburn, 較淡的紅髮其實偏橘色, 也不是真紅。頭髮老化的次序是:premature gray, salt-and pepper, silver, white.
I’ve never seen a Western sex symbol with black hair. All of them are blondes.
The CEO’s salt-and-pepper hair, when finely cut, becomes part of his charm and authority.
髮質silky, coarse, curly, receding hairline (後退髮際線)
如緞帶般的發亮秀髮就是silky hair, 粗髮質為coarse.
At age 35, Paul’s receding hairline foretells he might be bald by age 50.
眼型 large, small, slant (狹長眼), beady (小豆眼), sunken / deep- set(深陷), almond eyes (杏仁眼),hooded lids(眼皮下垂), bags under the eyes (眼袋)
Slant, beady 在英文中被視為不美的眼型,如果這樣形容亞洲人,會被認為有種族歧視。西方認為杏仁眼是最美眼型, 中文說丹鳯眼,都是指眼角稍微上揚 (京劇化妝特別強調此點), 使面孔有精神, 中文說「杏眼圓睜」好像也頗有道理。單雙眼皮為mono lid, double lid, 但少有西方人會特別強調這些, 整型醫師才會。
His deep, sunken eyes are his most unique facial features.
眉型:long, short, wide, thin, slant, bushy (毛茸茸) sparse (稀疏), arched
Slant 如上述,「劍眉」可說成upward slant brows. bushy, sparse剛好相反, arched-brows指彎月眉。
Elizabeth Taylor’s thick, black, arched eyebrows were so arresting that it’s hard to move your eyes off her face. (伊麗莎白泰勒是美國50年代巨星)
鼻型:large, small, straight ( 挺鼻), flat(塌鼻) pug (朝天鼻), hooked (鹰勾鼻)。
最漂亮的是straight nose, 或被稱希臘鼻, 顯然和博物館內那些半身古雕像的漂亮造型有關, 有趣的是較不好看的hooked nose, 卻被稱為羅馬鼻。
Teresa is very conscious of her flat nose, so she never allows the cameraman to shoot her from the side.
嘴 / 唇型: rosebud (櫻桃小嘴), bow-shaped lips (菱角嘴) , full lips (豐唇)
除了用big, small形容嘴型,用thin, thick, full形容唇型外, rosebud lips指成O字型的小嘴,就跟唐代仕女圖中著名的小紅嘴類似。bow-shaped 是指像愛神丘比特的箭那種平放的弓型, 中文有「菱角嘴」之說, 是漂亮的嘴型。
牙型:pearly (貝齒), misaligned (牙齒不整)
Orthodontic technology has made significant advancements in fixing misaligned teeth, making it easier to achieve a beautiful smile.
臉型:long, short, round, square, heart-shaped (瓜子臉),pointed chin (尖下巴), double chin (雙下巴),high cheekbones(高顴骨), broad forehead (天庭飽滿)
天生麗質難自棄 / 美人肧子 a born beauty/ born beautiful
She was born beautiful, no trace of cosmetic surgery whatsoever.