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06/21 08:09

5個數據成長、下降衰退的英文用法介紹 - 英文例句、情境說明

## 數據提升 (Increase/Rise)
1. Increase
- 用法:表示數量或數據的增加
- 例句:
- Sales increased by 10% last quarter. (上個季度銷售額增加了10%。)
- The number of users has increased significantly. (用戶數量顯著增加。)
2. Rise
- 用法:表示上升或增加
- 例句:
- The temperature is expected to rise tomorrow. (預計明天天氣會上升。)
- There was a rise in the company's stock price. (公司的股價上漲了。)
3. Grow
- 用法:表示增長或擴展
- 例句:
- The company's revenue grew by 15% last year. (去年公司的收入增長了15%。)
- Our customer base continues to grow. (我們的客戶基礎持續增長。)
4. Surge
- 用法:表示突然的急劇上升
- 例句:
- There was a surge in demand for the new product. (對新產品的需求急劇上升。)
- The stock market surged after the positive earnings report. (在正面的盈利報告發布後,股市飆升。)
5. Climb
- 用法:表示緩慢但穩定的上升
- 例句:
- The unemployment rate has been climbing slowly. (失業率正在緩慢上升。)
- Prices of essential goods continue to climb. (基本商品的價格持續上升。)
## 數據降低 (Decrease/Drop)
1. Decrease
- 用法:表示數量或數據的減少
- 例句:
- The number of new cases has decreased. (新病例數量減少了。)
- Sales decreased by 5% this month. (本月銷售額減少了5%。)
2. Drop
- 用法:表示突然下降
- 例句:
- The temperature dropped overnight. (溫度在一夜之間下降。)
- There was a sharp drop in oil prices. (油價大幅下跌。)
3. Decline
- 用法:表示逐漸減少
- 例句:
- The company's profits have been declining for the past three years. (公司的利潤在過去三年中一直在下降。)
- There was a decline in the birth rate last year. (去年出生率下降了。)
4. Fall
- 用法:表示下降或減少
- 例句:
- The stock market fell sharply today. (今天股市大幅下跌。)
- There was a fall in the number of tourists this season. (本季遊客數量下降了。)
5. Plummet
- 用法:表示快速且突然地下降
- 例句:
- The value of the currency plummeted. (貨幣價值暴跌。)
- After the scandal, the company's reputation plummeted. (醜聞後,公司的聲譽暴跌。)
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