

鄧海珠 知識長


20種得老板歡心的方法: 孫悟空的本事, 豬八戒的交際...

除了勤快 word hard外,還有
任勞任怨 Accepting all assignments without hesitation.
低頭做事不吭聲 work hard and never complain
The golden rule of surviving in this workplace is to work hard and never complain.
With the salary of an intern, with the risk of acute liver failure, and with no hope of a raise.
老板永遠是對的 The boss is always right./ obedience
obedience 用在工作場合,有「不得不然」的意義,在西方並不算美德之一。然而要得老板喜歡,還是要從「服從」開始,中西皆然。
Being an executive assistant requires a heightened level of obedience compared to many other roles.
先老板之憂而憂 anticipate concerns ahead of the boss
As the secretary for twenty years, Martha prides herself on anticipating concerns ahead of her boss. For example, she would pre-screen the visitors, making sure that no one with a conflict of interest would enter the office.
報喜不報憂 all good news, no bad news
After understanding the manager’s personality and demeanor, his employees adopted an “all good news, no bad news” policy to safeguard their positions.
兼打雜 / 兼跑腿 gopher girl / boy (俚語)
這個字由go for的諧音而來,gopher本意是地鼠, 此處指替老板跑腿之人,老板常會叫員工「順便」買咖啡,買餐盒什麼的,若員工覺得不舒服,如何向老板表明則要用很聰明的方法。
Everyone considers Amy the “gopher girl,” always asking her to run small errands for the entire office. I don’t think it’s fair to her.
勇於負責 accountability
這個字非常通用, 最完整的解釋就是公開、透明、負責, 勇於承擔結果。
“Accountability is all that matters,” said the CEO, “Without it, the company would veer off course, make unwise decisions and plunge into chaos, so to speak.”
擅於溝通 communication skills
前提是要有自信, 尊重對方,顧及正反觀點, 有同理心及足夠表達能力。
Communication skills are the cornerstone value for managers, who serve as the vital link between decision- makers and the general staff.
積極主動 self- starter / proactive
Bring out your warmth, unlock your passion, lend a helping hand, be a self-starter, and working opportunities will seek you out.
展現熱情 exhibit passion
It’s essential to exhibit passion at work - the love for the profession, the enjoyment of brainstorming and collaboration with others, and the privilege of working in a good company.
解難高手 problem solving
“We have all sorts of followers repeating the same mistake again and again,” the department head spoke with a solemn face. “We’ll hold an in-house competition to identify and nurture the problem-solving talents within our team.”
追踪後效 follow up / seek feedback
A campaign promotor must follow up to gather feedback and assess results, and only then can the success of the campaign be conclusively determined.
專業學習 professional advancement
Amy began her career as a testing engineer, and by seizing every opportunity for professional advancement, now she is the star of the product development team.
注意細節 detail- oriented
The two founders complement each other; one is imaginative and bold, while the other is detail-oriented and prudent (謹慎).
情緒穩定 mental stability
美國發生很多懷恨的前僱員大規模槍擊事件 (美國定義:死者4人以上算mass shooting), 所以情緒穩定,心理健康的員工非常重要。
More and more companies are using intricate questionnaires as a means to assess the mental and emotional stabilities of prospective employees.
勝任愉快 competent
勝任意味著不僅做成, 還做得好,做得輕鬆,遊刃有餘,這樣的員工也將更有創意貢獻。
“The success of our company does not lie with me,” said the chairman of the board, “but rather with our ability to attract competent workers.”
戰略思考 strategic thinking
What’s strategic thinking? The ability to identify opportunities before others see them, map out long-term plans before the market matures, and position oneself for winning before the world has yet to realize the potential of the new technology.
孫悟空的本事、猪八戒的交際、沙和尚的勤懇 (取自網路)
The prowess of the Monkey, the social charm of the Pig, and the sincere diligence of the Monk.
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