除了tall, short, fat, thin 外還有
過重 overweight
要政治正確,不要說fat, 用overweight, 但瘦還是thin, 不必說underweight.
肥 obese
obese是病態肥, 美國這樣的人比較多,和美國炸馬鈴薯條, 可樂, 漢堡等基本國民美食有關。在亞洲, 歐洲則很少看到。
Obesity is a health issue, not just about appearances.
豐滿 plump / full
纖瘦 slim
和thin同義, 不過感覺更美一些。
In retrospect, the movie star said that in order to stay slim, she had never had a full meal in her entire adult life.
修長型/ 亭亭玉立 slender
談到「瘦」, 最漂亮的字還是slender.
At fifteen, Amy grows to be a slender and graceful young lady. All her chubbiness (嬰兒肥) is gone.
小巧型 petite / dainty
服裝店內小款衣服為petite, 大款為plus, dainty指小而美,比petite更具有美感。 一個人吃得太精緻, 甚至挑食, 可說成 a dainty appetite.
A petite herself, Amy opened an attire shop called “Dainty Women”.
骨感 / 瘦骨嶙峋 / 皮包骨 bony
bony比thin更瘦, 美感少一些。
When my mother grabbed my hand with her bony fingers. I couldn’t help but cry.
黃金比例 golden ratio
古羅馬建築師Vitruvius在著作中,解釋建築及人體的黃金比例,文藝復興大畫家/科學家達文西由此畫出人體的黃金比例。它有很多應用方式,在身材方面,下身是上身的1.6倍為黃金比例, 模特兒必需有此條件。
Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, finds its roots in the principles outlined by Vitruvius, a Roman architect of the 1st century.
體型 figure / build / body shape
女性多用figure, 男性多用build ,body shape為中性。這可分為三角, 倒三角, 長方形, 梨型等,要細分還有 O型腿 (bow-legged),蘿蔔腿 (muscular calves肌肉發達的小腿)等。
健美/ 無贅肉 fit / toned
這是現代人追求的體型,有肌肉線條,無脂肪,經由訓練而成。健美運動中心稱為fitness center
After a stroke, Tom altered his lifestyle completely from a sofa potato to a fitness enthusiast. Now he is overall toned from his neck down.
中等身材 average
不好也不差,不高也不矮, 還可以, 過得去等,就用這個安全字。
What does Paul look like? Well, hard to say, average height with nondescript looks, the kind which easily blend into the background, if you will.
粗壯 hunky
指男性,壯男、猛男、大塊頭, 虎背熊腰, 美式足球隊中很多這種 hunk。
體態輕盈 light and nimble
nimble指快手快腳, 輕手輕腳, 體操選手多為此種。
For her height, Elisa is considered light and nimble. She runs domestic errands quietly and swiftly.
胸膛 / 胸部發達 broad / barrel-chested
指男性, barrel是指釀酒用的圓形木桶,很符合這種人體形象。
Barrel-chested, Paul always wears tight shirt to show off his strong build.
堅實小腹 washboard abs
中文用到洗衣板,是指人瘦到「骨頭」一條條突出,英文卻是指「肌肉」一條條突出,是健身的高表現。abs指腹肌, 如堅實胸肌可說成washboard chest。是的,西方也有洗衣板。
After lying on bed for three months because of her ankle pain, Lisa’s washboard abs returns to its former self - loose and round.
波霸 a busty woman
Despite her busty figure, Rose refused to take the easy way to become a sex symbol. Instead, she went to school to study the art of acting.
平胸 flat-chested
With modern technology, flat-chested women can become busty in a few days.
胸部下垂 sagging breasts
Sagging breasts are sacred, because they are the symbol of nurturing the human race.
小蠻腰 / 柳腰 hourglass figure
中文很有意思,那麼細的腰非得「蠻」才能撐得住上半身, 否則令人擔心。60年代有位馬來西亞歌后華怡保,風靡東南亞及港台,到了中年還維持18吋小蠻腰,空前絶後。hourglass是以前西方的計時器, 稱沙漏, 中間特別細。
腰圍發達 bulging waistline
水桶腰, 啤酒肚都為此種,這個說法最沒有戲謔成份。
魔鬼身材 a devilishly perfect figure / Godsent
Godsent是指老天眷顧, 天外飛來的好機運。雖然中文為魔鬼身材, 但不能說成devilsent, 那就是很糟的事情了。
Taylor Swift’s angelic face and Godsent figure make her an icon of our age.
環肥燕瘦 plump or slim
He loves beautiful women, plump or slim.