從屬子句之一的「副詞子句」經常是文法書上的大難題,顧名思義在句子中充當著副詞的功能,必須要依附在一個主句下才能構成完整語意!通常描述時間、原因、條件、讓步、目的或方式等,以連接詞(如When、Because、If、Although、So that等)引導,要注意的是副詞子句並不能單獨存在,後方需要搭配一個主要子句,可以說是為了主要子句而生的句子呢!本篇將詳細介紹那些從屬子句中的副詞子句,以及寫成分詞構句該如何刪減。
1. 時間副詞子句(Adverbial Clauses of Time)
時間副詞子句用來描述主句動作發生的時間。常見的連接詞有 when、before、after、while、as soon as 等。
.Before you send the email, please double-check the recipient’s address.
2. 原因副詞子句(Adverbial Clauses of Reason)
原因副詞子句解釋主句發生的原因,常見連接詞有 because、since、as 等。
.Since we have tight deadlines, we need to work overtime this week.
3. 條件副詞子句(Adverbial Clauses of Condition)
條件副詞子句用來表達在某種條件下,主句的動作才會發生。常見的連接詞有 if、unless、provided that 等。
.If the project is completed ahead of schedule, we can move on to the next phase.
4. 讓步副詞子句(Adverbial Clauses of Concession)
讓步副詞子句表示儘管有某種情況發生,主句動作仍然發生。常見的連接詞有 although、even though、though等。
.Although the budget was tight, we managed to deliver the project on time.
5. 目的副詞子句(Adverbial Clauses of Purpose)
目的副詞子句用來表達某個行動的目的,常見的連接詞有 so that、in order that 等。
.We conducted a survey so that we could better understand customer needs.
6. 方式副詞子句(Adverbial Clauses of Manner)
方式副詞子句說明主句中動作的進行方式,常見的連接詞有 as、as if、as though 等。
.She handled the situation as if she had years of experience.
.原因副詞子句:Because she knew the client well, she handled the meeting efficiently.
Knowing the client well, she handled the meeting efficiently.
.時間副詞子句:After the document was approved by the manager, it was sent to the client.
Approved by the manager, the document was sent to the client.
.主詞的一致性: 分詞構句的主詞必須和主句的主詞一致,否則會造成語意不清。
.避免誤解: 使用分詞構句時,要確保意思清楚明瞭,避免讓讀者混淆或誤解。