
英文、面試技巧、職場英語、TOEIC (多益測驗)、成人英文、雅思





1. Tell me about yourself. / 請介紹一下你自己。
• 例句:Tell me about yourself and your professional background.
⇨ 回應連結自己的工作經驗,並且先試想這份工作與過往工作經驗有什麼重疊
I have over five years of experience in project management, working mainly in the tech industry. I specialize in leading cross-functional teams and delivering projects on time and within budget. I am passionate about process improvement and optimizing workflows to increase efficiency.
2. Why do you want to work for our company? / 你為什麼想來我們公司工作?
• 例句:Why do you want to work for our company, and what do you know about us?
⇨ 建議說對公司的認識,以及公司未來展望的期待,自己能貢獻在哪個地方
I admire your company's commitment to innovation and sustainability. After researching your recent projects and learning about your corporate culture, I am impressed by the way you value creativity and teamwork. I believe my skills and experience align well with your goals, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your future success.
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? / 你的優點和缺點是什麼?
• 例句:What are your greatest strengths, and what are some areas you feel you could improve on?
⇨ 提出自己的缺點,以一體兩面的缺點為主。
My greatest strength is my ability to stay organized and manage multiple projects at once while maintaining attention to detail. However, I recognize that I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, which sometimes slows down my decision-making. I’m actively working on balancing attention to detail with making timely decisions.
4. How do you handle pressure or stressful situations? / 你如何應對壓力或緊張的情況?
• 例句:Can you describe a time when you had to handle a high-pressure situation? How did you manage it?
⇨ 說一說自己處理高壓情況的經歷,或是如何面對困難。
When faced with high-pressure situations, I stay calm by breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, during a recent product launch, I divided the project into phases, set clear deadlines, and worked closely with the team to ensure everything was completed on time. I also practice mindfulness techniques to manage stress effectively.
5. Tell me about a time you worked in a team. / 請告訴我你曾經與團隊合作的經歷。
• 例句:Can you give an example of a project where you worked closely with a team? What was your role?
⇨ 回答這個問題時,你可以透過STAR 原則(情境、任務、行動、結果)來結構化你的回答,展示你在團隊中的貢獻以及結果。
In my previous role as a project coordinator, I worked closely with a cross-functional team on a product launch. Our goal was to introduce a new software feature within a three-month deadline. I was responsible for coordinating between the engineering, marketing, and sales teams. To ensure everyone was aligned, I organized regular status meetings, set clear goals, and addressed any blockers that arose. By maintaining open communication and ensuring every department was on the same page, we successfully launched the product on time, resulting in a 20% increase in customer engagement within the first quarter.
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