
職場英語、英文、成人英文、提案與簡報技巧、TOEIC (多益測驗)、雅思



10/14 14:30

【職場英文】「我同意你的想法」英文怎麼說?除了I agree with you.還可以這麼說!

表達支持的英文除了「I agree with you.」 還能怎麼說呢?本篇文章針對不同情境提出七句英文句型,讓我們在表達支持以外還能言之有物,說明支持的原因,趕快看下去吧!
1. I completely agree with this approach because... 我完全同意這個做法,因為...
例句:I completely agree with this approach because it aligns with our company’s long-term strategy.
2. I’m in favor of this decision as it... 我支持這個決定,因為它...
例句:I’m in favor of this decision as it will streamline our workflow and increase productivity.
3. This seems like the most effective solution since... 這看起來是最有效的解決方案,因為...
例句:This seems like the most effective solution since it addresses the root cause of the issue directly.
4. I fully support this plan as it... 我完全支持這個計畫,因為它...
例句:I fully support this plan as it encourages cross-team collaboration and innovation.
5. I believe this is the right direction to take because... 我相信這是正確的方向,因為...
例句:I believe this is the right direction to take because it positions us to better serve our clients.
6. This decision makes sense given the current market trends. 考慮到目前的市場趨勢,這個決定是合理的。
例句:This decision makes sense given the current market trends, and I believe it will strengthen our competitive edge.
7. I think this approach will yield the best results because... 我認為這個方法會產生最佳效果,因為...
例句:I think this approach will yield the best results because it involves all stakeholders in the decision-making process.
1. I completely agree with this approach because...
2. I’m in favor of this decision as it...
3. This seems like the most effective solution since...
4. I fully support this plan as it...
5. I believe this is the right direction to take because...
6. This decision makes sense given the current market trends.
7. I think this approach will yield the best results because...
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