

鄧海珠 知識長



除了love, romance外還有
愛情 romantic / passionate love
未及婚姻的親密關係 relationship
兩小無猜 puppet love
忘年之愛 cross-generational love
深情不渝 committed
同居/ 家庭伴侶 domestic partner
有情無緣 /命運不濟的愛情 star-crossed love
遠距戀愛 long distance relationship
心有所屬 / 情有所牽 my heart belongs to
有情人終成眷屬 the lovers finally tie the knot.
一日不見,如隔三秋 The next day feel like there are three autumns between us
琴瑟和鳴 The couple complement each other like instruments play in perfect harmony.
愛到深處無怨尤love means you never have to say sorry (美國歌曲)
愛的誓言 lovers' vow
天荒地老 till the world ends
海枯石爛till the sea runs dry and the rock decays
十五始展眉, 願同塵與灰 At fifteen her tight eyebrows relaxed, and she vowed to love him till they perished into earth. (李白「長干行)
感此傷妾心,坐愁紅顏老 Heart broken, she waited in sorrow till her youth faded away.(李白「長干行)
誹聞 / 出軌 affair / scandal / love out of wedlock
逢場作戲 fling
電燈泡 two's a company, three's a crowd
恨不相逢未嫁/娶時 I wish I had met you before you were married
不倫之戀 forbidden love
親情 family love
父愛, 母愛 fatherly/ paternal love, motherly love/ maternal love
兄弟之愛 / 袍澤之愛 brotherly love
莫逆之交 best friend / best pal/ buddy / bosom friend
姐妹情深 sisterly love
手足之情 sibling love
天倫之樂 family togetherness
血濃於水 blood is thicker than water. (西諺)
博愛/ 人世愛 agape
愛國心 patriotism
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