
英文、成人英文、雅思、職場英語、TOEIC (多益測驗)、TOEFL



09/24 09:11


1. 開場和引言 (Opening and Introducing the Meeting)
⇨Welcome everyone, and thank you for joining the meeting today.
⇨Let’s get started. The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss...
⇨Before we begin, can we quickly go over the agenda?
2. 進入討論主題 (Introducing Topics for Discussion)
⇨First, we need to address...
⇨Let’s move on to the next point on the agenda.
⇨Could we take a closer look at...
3. 提出意見和建議 (Giving Opinions and Suggestions)
⇨In my opinion, we should...
⇨I’d like to suggest that we...
⇨From my perspective, the best approach would be...
4. 回應他人的意見 (Responding to Opinions)
⇨I see your point, but have we considered...
⇨That’s a valid point, but I’m concerned about...
⇨I agree with you to a certain extent, but...
5. 確認和澄清 (Confirming and Clarifying)
⇨Can we clarify what the next steps are?
⇨Just to be clear, are we saying that...?
⇨Could you elaborate on that point?
6. 中斷和引導討論 (Interrupting and Guiding the Discussion)
⇨Sorry to interrupt, but I think we’re moving off track.
⇨Can we get back to the main issue?
⇨Let’s focus on finding a solution for...
7. 會議結束和總結 (Closing and Summarizing the Meeting)
⇨To summarize, we’ve agreed on...
⇨Before we wrap up, is there anything else we need to discuss?
⇨Thank you all for your input today. Let’s schedule the next meeting for...
8. 其他常見情境
✔️數據報告 Presenting Data or Reports
⇨Here are the latest figures for the project.
⇨As you can see from the report, our sales have increased by 15%.
✔️詢問意見和回饋 Asking for Opinions or Feedback
⇨What are your thoughts on this proposal?
⇨Do you have any feedback on the plan?
✔️做決定 Making Decisions
⇨Are we ready to make a decision on this?
⇨Let’s take a vote to decide how to proceed.
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