



07/12 15:57


▍如何操作ChatGPT App使用語音功能
➜ 下載並安裝ChatGPT App(適用於iOS和Android)。
➜ 開啟App並登入您的帳戶。
➜ 點擊麥克風圖示開始語音輸入。
➜ 清晰地說出您的問題或對話內容,系統會自動轉換成文字並生成回應。
➜ 您可以通過回應進行對話練習,享受即時反饋和互動。
➜ 旅行常見對話:
"Can you recommend some must-see attractions in London?"
"How do I get from the airport to downtown using public transportation?"
"Could you suggest a good restaurant near Times Square?"
➜ 英文面試準備:
"Can you help me practice answering 'Tell me about yourself'?"
"Could you simulate a typical interview question about my strengths and weaknesses?"
"What are some effective ways to follow up after an interview?"
➜ 商務英文對話:
"Let's negotiate a contract. What terms would you suggest?"
"How should I structure a presentation on our latest product?"
"Can you help me respond to a client's complaint in a professional manner?"
➜ 日常生活對話:
"I'd like to order a latte and a croissant. How much does that cost?"
"Could you recommend a good movie that's playing in theaters right now?"
"What's the best way to ask for directions if I'm lost in a new city?"
➜ 學術或專業對話:
"I need to write a research paper on climate change. What are some key points I should include?"
"Can you explain this economic theory in simpler terms?"
"How can I improve my academic writing skills?"
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