除了個人搬家 move, 還有
公司部門換地方,要求員工跟著走,有的公司會提供搬家費用, 甚至生活開銷的補貼。
Even though the relocation package is too good to resist, but Alaska? I’ve got accustomed to the sunny weather of California.
收入太少 underpaid
除非你很大牌或去意已決,儘量避免用underpaid這個字,有點傷感情,不如以 in need of a higher-paying job來代替。
After carefully assessing my qualification, dedication and contribution to the team, I feel I’ve been underpaid. Regrettably, I am in need of a higher-paying job, and the decision of leaving this company is purely a financial one. (離去之際,直球對決的說法)
職業疲勞 burn out
Once you are burn out, you are out, so adjust your steps with a balance of leisure and work. Remember, sustainability is productivity.
職業傷害 occupational hazard / risk
Few professional athletes are fortunate enough to retire without occupational hazards, such as joint pain, lingering injuries and the mental toll of intense competitions.
過勞 overwork
Diligence and overwork should not be confused. While diligence is all about helping out and happy working, overwork is marked by meeting strict quotas and deadlines, endless brainstorming and the resulting exhaustion and low mood.
另有高就 have better / more compelling offers
在工作機會多的地方,這是最好的離職理由, 也無需多做解釋。
I really like this company, but...when a more compelling offer presents itself, I must follow my heart.
突破自我 self and professional growth / enhancement
For lack of opportunities for self and professional growth, I’ve decided to accept a more challenging position in a Fortune 500 company.
追求新人生 seeking new meanings in life
Deadlines! milestones! financial goals! market shares! I’m a slave of people’s expectations. No, I’m out of here! I want to seek new meanings in life!
性騷擾 sexual harassment
“I prefer not to be referred to as baby,” Mary said to her supervisor, after attending an in-house seminar regarding workplace sexual harassment. “I expect a more formal communication style between us.”
志趣不合 not in my line of interest
I know AI is the next big thing, but contrary to the trend, I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon (湊熱鬧) because it’s not in my line of interest.
力不能及 beyond my capability
As the position of sales manager requires constant travel which is beyond my current capability. I must regretfully decline your kind offer.
利益衝突 conflict of interest
As soon as Amy found out that she was going to interview the presidential candidate who happens to be her uncle, she immediately asked for a change of assignment because of the obvious conflict of interest.
升遷無望 glass ceiling
到頂再也升不上去,那頂層障礙就叫做玻璃天花板, 另有個剛好相反的詞 sticky floor, 指(通常為女性)自我設限, 黏在地上而不想升遷。
In a historic decision during the 1970's, Morris Chang chose to work for Taiwan government. It’s said that the glass ceiling in corporate America had prompted this significant and decisive change in his workplace.
轉換跑道 career change
Devastated and utterly disgraced by the tyrannical manner of her direct boss, Mary resolved to embark on a radical career change, determined to cut all ties with the painful memories once and for all.
管理不善 poor management
Can you believe that once again, my director took credit for my work? This is just a small aspect of his poor management, which has raised concerns of his overall leadership and personality.
各行其是 no teamwork
After a two-year delay, the world premiere of the highly touted (高度吹捧) product still remains unclear. The rumor has that there is simply no teamwork between the engineering and the marketing departments.
文化適應culture adjustment
The big mouth of the company CEO has overshadowed his employees, who are constantly mocked at by competitors as untrustworthy. Many people left, unable to adjust to the peculiar company culture.
前景黯淡 dim future
This company is perfect for me, good salary, reasonable workload, and only ten minute walk from my home. The only thing I don’t like is its dim future.
士氣低落 low morale
The pessimism and low morale of my colleagues have convinced me that it’s time to leave before I’m also dragged into the impasse (僵局).
格格不入 misfit
Am I oversensitive? Somehow, I feel like a misfit surrounded by Harvard graduates. Every thing I say seems to invite ridicule from them.
個人恩怨personal grudges
It’s true that my manager has held a grudge against me ever since I openly disagreed with her about the deadlines. She started criticizing the writing style of my report, every time.
被迫辭職 forced resignation
It’s a forced resignation. What happened was that I consistently found myself overlooked in conference meetings. I’ve got the message, and I have no intention of working with people who purposefully disregard my opinions.
此處不留爺,自有留爺處 If I'm not welcome here, there is always a comfortable place for me.