Linux Socket網路程式設計

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Linux Socket網路程式設計

$3,000 $3,750
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1. 了解 server/client程式運作與 TCP/IP原理。 2. 能夠以 C語言實作 TCP/UDP/Raw Socket。 3. 能夠以 ioctl/fcntl/setsockop去控制 Socket的行為。 4. 實現 Broadcast,Multicast。 適合具備C語言基礎,想要從事Linux程式或嵌入式應用程式開發者。 1. TCP/IP ▪ Introduction ▪ TCP/IP and OSI maping 2. Socket-What is Socket? ▪ Socket API ▪ Socket programming flows (connection-oriented) ▪ Socket programming flows (connectionless) ▪ Socket address structure ▪ Byte ordering and manipulation ▪ TCP socket API ▪ UDP socket API 3. Raw Socket ▪ Introduction ▪ Create Raw Socket ▪ Raw Socket I/O 4. Socket Option ▪ getsocketopt / setsocketopt ▪ Generic Socket option ▪ fnctl function ▪ ioctl function ▪ File operations ▪ Interface operation 5. Name and Address conversion ▪ Domain Name System ▪ Resolvers and Name server ▪ gethostbyname function ▪ gethostbyaddress function ▪ gethostname function ▪ getservbyname and getservbyport function 6. Daemon Processes ▪ Daemon characteristics ▪ Syslog daemon ▪ xinetd Daemon 7. I/O Multiplexing ▪ Blocking I/O model ▪ Nonblocking I/O model ▪ I/O multiplexing model ▪ Signal driven I/O model ▪ Asynchronous I/O model ▪ Comparison I/O module ▪ Select function ▪ poll function 我想了解更多 8. Broadcasting & Multicasting ▪ Introduction ▪ Broadcast addresses ▪ Multicast addresses