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通路開發相關的課程 (17)
身為業務,你是不是遇到… *不知道客戶從哪來? 該如何有效率的開發客戶名單? *談話總是閒聊,要怎麼有技巧的向客戶撈資訊? *任務繁雜,一直有事情跳出來。有沒有更有效率的工作方式? *和客戶高層交手好難,要怎麼搞定關鍵決策人? *展示完產品,客戶總是表示我們再研究一下,就沒下文。 究竟錯在哪? *提供報價,卻一直被砍價格。 要怎樣報價才能讓公司、客戶都滿意? *競爭對手出現,該怎麼進攻?怎麼防守? *不想總是被打槍,如何把客戶養成死忠粉絲,進而幫忙轉介紹新訂單? 這門課【B2B業務的關鍵銷售力】,一次解決以上問題!以銷售情境帶出17個系統化的業務銷售流程。 讓你用4個小時掌握高手四年的功力! 特別適合科技、資訊行業從業人員。
精進職場銷售的必修課:下單接單/請款催款/進度更新 (書信英語2)
因應企業引頸期盼,貿協全新推出《精進職場銷售的必修課》!本課程由ITI資深外籍教師設計,模擬職場情境,您將學習商務書信撰寫架構及語調、下單及接單、請款及回覆、提供進度更新等;透過「線上觀看教材」,您將能更精準傳達資訊、聰明工作!(沒參加書信1者,亦可報名本書信2。) (自學方案招生中;另有外師指導方案,請逕洽或留意開課資訊。) 一、上課期間:自學方案招生中 二、招生對象:欲精進商務英語簡報應用技巧之國內在職人士,採全英語授課,建議具多益550分程度 三、師資陣容:外貿協會培訓中心專任外籍師資,平均年資10年,業界經驗與教學經驗豐富。 四、課程內容: 1. Business emails format, tone, and common language 商務書信格式、語調、慣用語 2. Order emails 下訂及取消訂單 3. Replies to orders 接受或拒絕訂單 4. Payment requests 請款、付款提醒、最終催款 5. Replies to payment requests 回覆請款 6. Writing and requesting updates 請求或提供更新進度資訊(如:專案、訂單、價格等)
超實用商務英語書信:詢價需求信/抱怨信/壞消息通知 (書信英語1)
上班族每天收到無數封email,您還在抓破頭卻寫不出來嗎?讓ITI幫您提升寫作速度與自信!您將學到書信撰寫架構及語氣、職場最常用的詢價與需求信、最讓人頭疼的抱怨信、或壞消息通知等,透過線上觀看教材搭配「專屬外師批改作業服務」,成為職場書信高手,寫得精準又快速! (自學方案招生中;另有外師指導方案,請逕洽或留意開課資訊。) 一、上課期間:自學方案招生中 二、招生對象:欲精進商務英語簡報應用技巧之國內在職人士,採全英語授課,建議具多益550分程度 三、師資陣容:外貿協會培訓中心專任外籍師資,平均年資10年,業界經驗與教學經驗豐富。 四、課程內容: 1. Overview: Structure and Format, Tone, Common Language 課程總覽:架構、格式、語調、慣用語 2. Inquiries and Requests 詢價與需求信 3. Inquiries and Requests Replies 回覆詢價與需求信 4. Complaint 抱怨信 5. Replies to Complaints 回覆抱怨信 6. Giving Bad News 通知壞消息
後疫情時代,電話或con-call越趨頻繁。要打給老外時電話拿起來卻猶豫老半天? Con-call到一半突然訊號差聽不到,不知如何啟齒? 接到抱怨電話該如何回應? 如何讓自己的英文聽起來更禮貌舒適? 立刻報名,克服恐懼! 【目標對象】欲學習中高階商務英文簡報和書信應用技巧之國內在職企業人士,採全英語授課,建議具備中等英文程度。 【師資簡介】外貿協會培訓中心專任師資 【課程內容】內容包含影片、講義、習題等,建議學習時數每堂2小時 (學習進度因人而異) 1. Exchanging and Checking Information 如何精確交換資訊,不再有聽沒有懂!​ During telephone conversations, exchanging information can be tricky as we do not have the luxury of being able to see the person who’s speaking to us. This can make exchanging information a bit more difficult if not done properly. In this course, you will learn how to properly give clear and correct information on the telephone, and then check to clarify whether everything was heard correctly. 2. Describing Technical Difficulties 收訊不良怎麼辦? The goal of this course is to learn the most common keywords and phrases used when we encounter technical difficulties during business calls. When a technical problem occurs, it is important to sound both natural and polite in order to show professionalism. Therefore, this course also focuses on the skill of buffering your speech on a phone call. 3. How to Deal with Complaints 用英文回應客訴我不怕! It is not unusual for businesses to receive customer complaints over the telephone. Dealing with them in a positive and constructive manner will help these business keep their customers. In this course you will learn the key phrases in English and important useful approaches when dealing with customer complaints over the phone. Managing customer complaints and resolving them quickly will of course result in improved and repeat business from your customers. 4. How to Sound More Polite 讓你講英文也很有禮貌! In business, it is extremely important to show professionalism and respect to your business partners by being polite. For English learners, using polite language might not be the easiest thing to do as it requires the speakers to use longer and more grammatically complex sentences. In this course, you will learn how to make your sentences sound more polite when you need them in business.