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Outlook 學習推薦

不知如何開始學習嗎? 先進行技能挑戰吧~


04/22 11:27

1. Wow, great job!(哇,做得很棒!)
2. That's amazing!(太厲害了!)
3. Incredible work!(太不可思議了!)
4. Bravo, excellent performance!(好極了,表現真是出色!)
5. Fantastic work, well done!(太棒了,做得好!)
6. Superb job, you're doing great!(超棒的工作,你做得非常好!)
7. Impressive effort, keep it up!(令人印象深刻的努力,繼續保持!)
8. Outstanding work, you're on fire!(出色的工作,你真的很棒!)
9. Great job, you're smashing it!(幹得不錯,你做得太好了!)
10. Excellent job, you're rocking it!(做得很出色,你表現得太棒了!)
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04/19 12:59

1. Totally (完全地):
Totally, I agree with your point of view.
2. Absolutely (絕對):
Absolutely, we should go with that option.
3. Definitely (肯定地):
Definitely, let's schedule a meeting for tomorrow.
4. Certainly (當然):
Certainly, I can help you with that task.
5. Surely (無疑地):
Surely, you can count on me for support.
6. Indeed (的確):
Indeed, it was a challenging project.
7. Absolutely (絕對):
Absolutely, we should proceed with caution.
8. Certainly (當然):
Certainly, that's a valid point you raised.
9. Definitely (肯定地):
Definitely, I'll look into it right away.
10. Absolutely (絕對):
Absolutely, let's aim for excellence in our work.
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04/19 11:15

0 0 45 0


04/19 08:01

1. 天氣:Nice weather we're having today, isn't it?
►Yes, it's lovely. Perfect for a walk during lunch break.
→ 是的,天氣很好。午休時散步再好不過了。
►Definitely! Makes me feel energized for the day.
→ 當然!這讓我感覺一整天都充滿了活力。
►Absolutely! I heard it's going to stay like this all week.
→ 絕對!我聽說這周天氣都會這麼好。
2. 週末計畫:Any exciting plans for the weekend?
►I'm going hiking with some friends. What about you?
→ 我和朋友去爬山。你呢?
►Just relaxing at home. Sometimes that's all you need, right?
→ 只是在家休息。有時候,這就是你需要的一切,對吧?
►I might check out that new restaurant downtown. Heard good things about it.
→ 我可能會去市中心那家新餐廳吃飯。聽說口碑不錯。
3. 時事:Did you catch the news this morning?
►I saw a bit about the upcoming elections. Seems intense.
→ 我看了一點關於即將舉行的選舉的新聞。看起來很緊張。
►Yes, that article about the new technology was fascinating.
→ 是的,有關新科技的那篇文章很迷人。
►I try to keep up, but it's been busy lately. Anything noteworthy?
→ 我試著跟上,但最近太忙了。有什麼值得注意的嗎?
4. 運動:Did you catch the game last night?
►Yes, what a comeback! I couldn't believe it.
→ 是的,令人驚訝的逆轉!我真不敢相信。
►Unfortunately not, but I heard it was a close match.
→ 不幸的是,我沒看到,但我聽說比賽很激烈。
►I'm not really into sports, but I heard it was quite the game.
→ 我不太關心運動,但我聽說那場比賽很精彩。
5. 工作相關活動:Looking forward to the team building event next week?
►Definitely! It's always a great opportunity to bond with everyone.
→ 當然!這總是一個與大家交流的絕佳機會。
►Yes, it should be fun. I heard they have some interesting activities planned.
→ 是的,應該很有趣。我聽說他們安排了一些有趣的活動。
►Absolutely, these events are a nice break from the usual routine.
→ 絕對,這些活動是與平時工作節奏不同的一個愉快的休息。
關注我~ 提供給你更多職場英文小話題!
0 0 291 0


04/18 17:36

1. Labrador Retriever(拉布拉多寵物犬)
Friendly, Energetic, Trainable(友善、精力充沛、易訓練)
2. German Shepherd(德國牧羊犬)
Intelligent, Loyal, Courageous(聰明、忠誠、勇敢)
3. Golden Retriever(黃金獵犬)
Gentle, Friendly, Intelligent(溫柔、友善、聰明)
4. Bulldog(鬥牛犬)
Stubborn, Affectionate, Brave(固執、親密、勇敢)
5. Beagle(比格獵犬)
Curious, Friendly, Merry(好奇、友善、開心)
6. French Bulldog(法國鬥牛獒)
Adaptable, Playful, Affectionate(適應性強、愛玩、親密)
7. Poodle(貴賓犬)
Intelligent, Active, Alert(聰明、活潑、警覺)
8. Yorkshire Terrier(約克夏梗)
Bold, Spirited, Affectionate(大膽、精神飽滿、親密)
9. Boxer(拳師犬)
Energetic, Playful, Devoted(精力充沛、愛玩、忠誠)
10. Dachshund(臘腸犬)
Clever, Curious, Stubborn(聰明、好奇、固執)
11. Siberian Husky(西伯利亞哈士奇)
Independent, Intelligent, Athletic(獨立、聰明、運動)
12. Shih Tzu(西施犬 aka. 獅子狗)
Affectionate, Playful, Outgoing(親密、愛玩、外向)
13. Rottweiler(羅威納犬)
Confident, Fearless, Calm(自信、無畏、冷靜)
14. Great Dane(大丹犬)
Gentle, Friendly, Dependable(溫柔、友善、可靠)
15. Doberman Pinscher(杜賓犬)
Alert, Fearless, Loyal(警覺、無畏、忠誠)
16. Pembroke Welsh Corgi(威爾斯柯基犬)
Affectionate, Smart, Alert(親密、聰明、警覺)
17. Australian Shepherd(澳洲牧羊犬)
Intelligent, Energetic, Loyal(聰明、精力充沛、忠誠)
18. Miniature Schnauzer(迷你雪納瑞)
Alert, Spirited, Friendly(警覺、精神飽滿、友善)
19. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel(騎士查理王獵犬)
Affectionate, Graceful, Gentle(親密、優雅、溫柔)
20. Shetland Sheepdog(喜得蘭羊犬)
Loyal, Intelligent, Energetic(忠誠、聰明、精力充沛)
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04/18 17:11

0 0 20 0
不知如何開始學習嗎? 先進行技能挑戰吧~